DATCU’s 89th Annual Meeting
When: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time and Location:
DATCU Headquarters
5940 S. Interstate 35 E
Corinth, TX 76210
Doors open: 4:30 p.m.
Meeting begins: 5:00 p.m.
The following documents are available upon request:
Annual Audit; Recent Statement; IRS Form 990; Bylaws and Articles.
The Nominating Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, has nominated one member for each of the two (2) Board of Director positions for 2025. The Nominating Committee met on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 and made the following recommendations:
Mr. Lee Howell
Mr. Lee Howell is nominated to serve his second three-year term on the DATCU Board of Directors. He is currently the Assistant City Manager for City of Saginaw. Prior to serving as Assistant City Manager, he was sworn in as Chief of Police for the City of Saginaw in the Summer of 2018. Prior to joining the City of Saginaw, "Chief" Howell service as Chief of Police for the City of Denton, and Chief Deputy Sheriff for Denton County where he was an active member of many community boards and initiatives.
Judge Robert Ramirez
The Hon. Robert Ramirez III is nominated to serve his second three-year term on the DATCU Board of Directors. He currently serves the citizens of Denton County as the Judge of Denton County Court at Law 2. He was elected to the bench in 2010 and re-elected in 2014, 2018, and 2022. His memberships have included the Denton County Republican Party where he currently serves as the GOP Party Parlimentarian. He has served on the Boards of Directors of PediPlace, the Board of Trustees for the Denton County Baptist Association, and the Board of Directors for the Denton County Children's Advocacy Center.
Each nominee is presently in good standing with DATCU and has been contacted in advance to confirm their willingness and ability to fulfill the responsibilities of Board service.